The Year We Left The Office Behind

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If we have learned one thing in the past year, has been the value and innovation that can be found in adaptability. We have collectively chosen to rise to the new challenges of our time and turn them into opportunities for growth and expansion in the solutions we provide our clients. Our team has worked to seamlessly integrate emerging digital tools into our tailored approach such as virtual public engagement periods and online surveys so that we can reinforce the value of public involvement and diverse perspectives, especially when we can’t meet face-to-face. Because of that dedication to finding innovative solutions in times of unprecedented challenge and change, we have been able to continue to deliver impactful results for our clients and grow our business.

The global pandemic has exposed many issues and inequities that have long gone unrecognized, and we are proud to be working with clients to address these issues head on. We are thrilled to be working with clients such as the Illinois Public Health Association to launch their Public Health Navigator program, which includes developing a strategic communications program to help address the challenge of educating diverse populations across the state as we rollout the COVID-19 vaccine. We continue to work with our clients at the Illinois Tollway, IDOT and CDOT, designing digital engagement strategies to improve accessibility and ensure inclusiveness as they garner public support for projects to improve our state’s infrastructure. We are also working diligently with clients to develop key messages and programming that help improve their internal approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.

As we acknowledge the struggle and loss we have all felt, it is also imperative to acknowledge the resilience and fortitude that we have shown in dealing with those hardships. I am eternally grateful for my team, our partners and our clients who have worked creatively and collaboratively to overcome every challenge and given us a bright outlook for the year ahead. In 2021, Morreale will celebrate our 15th anniversary and I could not feel more optimistic about where we, as a company and as a community, are headed in the future. 

This week marks one year since the last time the Morreale team was together in the office. Recognizing the severity of the emerging pandemic, we made the swift but difficult decision to move our operations to a remote environment in the interest of keeping our team members and clients safe and healthy. We didn’t know what the next 365 days would bring, but we were ready to face it as a team, separate but united.


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