Positioning a Program:
PACE “Bus-On-Shoulder” Program
When legislation was enacted for a new pilot program allowing Pace to operate designated buses along the shoulder of Interstate 55 between the southwest suburbs and Chicago, misinformation was being spread about the program and raised concerns about safety.
Our challenge was to educate stakeholders, specifically the media, about the benefits of the program.
Morreale Communications developed and executed a public relations strategy to highlight the program’s benefits and increase ridership in addition to promoting public safety messages.
Worked with municipalities in Pace’s service area to provide information on the program and partnered with them to hold public information meetings, attended by hundreds.
Developed a successful media campaign, which included a preview for transportation reporters a week prior to the program launch in addition to a highly attended press conference.
Planned and facilitated a special launch event which included an interactive bus tour and was attended by the Illinois Governor, elected officials, transportation leaders and every major media outlet in Chicago.
Our strategy resulted in several days of positive press coverage and a flawless launch to a significant transportation initiative in Illinois. We noticed our talking points and key messages incorporated into news coverage. Some examples include:
• “Bus-only lanes are a smart step toward easing Chicago commutes” -Crain’s
• “An attractive alternative to being stuck in traffic” -Daily Herald
• “New pilot program speeds drive time for some expressway commuters” -WGN TV