Strategy for Recruitment, Internal Communication, and Training

Morreale worked with IPHA to develop a partnership and funding relationship with more than 85 community-based organizations and federally qualified health centers throughout the state. Through this effort, partnering organizations have hired hundreds of local community health workers and fulfilled more than 50,000 resource requests for critical supplies such as food, medicine, and financial support for monthly expenses like rent and utilities.

Morreale helped the Illinois Public Health Association (IPHA) develop an extensive recruitment and training program for the Community Health Workers (CWH), outlining HIPAA regulations, COVID trends, health and wellness guidelines, and case workflows. The CHWs were trained on using Salesforce to track case details. Slack was implemented as a form of internal communications and collaboration for regional leads and CHWs to share information. Morreale also worked with the IPHA team to develop a digital Learning Management System to track training progress and assess skills.


Through Morreale’s efforts with the PHN program, more than 85 community-based organizations and federally qualified health centers are partnering in the program and more than 600 Community Health Workers are providing services. 

With the educational materials and Learning Management System Morreale developed, all Community Health Workers are trained and are utilizing more than 20 different pieces of educational collateral in English, Spanish and French and can access 12 courses of PHN Program Curriculum online.